Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What was i THINKING!?!?!

Today i feel like a failure of a mom. I let zade eat waffles for breakfast (Wich i think is just all sugar not a real breakfast) Then i went to go make lunch and we were out of almost everything so i decided to go to the store and get some food. Well by time we got home zade had fallen asleep in the van and i put him to bed for a nap. Then Doug brought over some pink cupcakes for us to enjoy! (THANKS DOUG THEY WERE YUMMY!!) So yummy that zade woke up from his nap. I was chatting with the neighbor and didn't notice that Zade had eaten 4 cupcakes and was on his 5th. In a panic i made him a grilled cheese sandwich but he was full from cupcakes so refused to eat more than a little tiny bite. Then he demanded Chocolate milk......Dinner roles around and he wants more chocolate milk with his Chicken noodle soup. He wasn't eating so i started the "Take a bite or go to bed" Bit. He ate 7 good bites and then looked up at me with that face.... The "Im going to hurl" face. So i grab him and run for the sink. To late.. He got me right in the face. and the whole kitchen was covered in pink stink. What a day.


Rochelle said...

Ohh sorrry about the cake... YUCK!

Rachael said...

Well, thanks for allowing us to laugh about it--hopefully you are too---by now...

Anna said...

LOL I've been there!!!

julianne orth said...

gross! makes me want to eat a cupcake :)

John said...

I know "the face". And you can never get there fast enough!

Cami said...

oh my goodness, that is hilarious.... but it sucks at the same time! i'm sorry.... being a mom is the BEST!

Kimmy said...

ohh April I'm sorry. I hate the days when everyone (me and Jeff) gives the kids all that junk. I feel your pain. Good thig is you will for sure make a note to yourself not to do that again =).

Rosanne Orgill said...

love the picture, that is how you feel when someone throws up on you. That is too funny. yes, I have been there too. It is not fun. I guess Zade won't want cupcakes for a while yumm

Joe said...

Well, don't we all engage in excesses from time to time in our lives, and occasionally paid for it. Now you have a little story to remind him of when he started hurling..sorry that happened, that has to be the worst feeling..but he probably felt better after. :)